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When findings are found, make them matter

Careblocks transforms findings into actionable care so no patient slips through the cracks.

“It’s frustrating to think that the information was there all along, just sitting in my records. Early detection isn’t just about finding something—it’s about acting on it before it becomes a crisis.”
Vegetable Breeder,


Identify patients with clinically significant findings that may benefit from additional follow-up or intervention. Using advanced vision models to analyze medical images and large language models to parse radiology reports, Careblocks ensures that no critical finding is overlooked.

  • Use AI-powered vision models to detect incidental findings from routine imaging, enabling proactive intervention
  • Parse through patient reports to extract key findings flagged by physicians
  • Identify patients at risk for cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and other conditions


Not every finding requires action—Careblocks helps filter patients down to those who truly require follow-up, preventing unnecessary notifications while prioritizing care for those who need it. By integrating with the EHR, Careblocks filters patient lists based on prior medical history, existing treatment plans, clinical guidelines, and site-specific custom criteria.

  • Integrate with EHR to check for existing diagnoses, prior imaging, and specialist visits
  • Contextualize patients' findings and medical history within clinical guidelines to determine the necessity of follow-up
  • Save time and resources by automating chart review to determine follow-up eligibility

Follow up

Automate follow-up workflows to ensure timely care coordination. By sending direct patient notifications, provider alerts, and clinic scheduling support, Careblocks helps hospitals and health systems close the loop on care.

  • Automate patient notifications with customizable content and next steps
  • Notify PCPs about findings requiring follow-up to ensure continuity of care
  • Track follow-up actions to assess care adherence